• SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

    SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

    The next Event on MAY 29, 30, 31, which takes place in a Spectacular Location as the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Altar of Palena (CH), it is to me much more than a training course. It's a real "Call" of the Universe, to which only 20 Lucky persons are attracted and to which I replied, in a personal way, with...

SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

The next Event on MAY 29, 30, 31, which takes place in a Spectacular Location as the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Altar of Palena (CH), it is to me much more than a training course. It’s a real “Call” of the Universe, to which only 20 Lucky…

04 May 9:00 AM 0
Goodby Ciro... by Tiziana Palazzo

Goodby Ciro... by Tiziana Palazzo

This issue is dedicated to Ciro Imparato.
He was Vocal Coach, extraordinary trainer, voice actor with a unique and rare voice, creative and effective manuals writer and creator of the fantastic system Four Voice Colors, the first innovative method that allows you to learn the “grammar of emotions” and consequently…

08 Apr 11:17 PM 0
THE RECIPE BY LUIGI PERO Fillet of Palmito in couscous

THE RECIPE BY LUIGI PERO Fillet of Palmito in couscous

As I promised you from this number I want to introduce some of my recipes and since I want to support the traditions of the italain areas, this month I want to unite Italy from north to south.
When smuggling anchovies and salt only came from Liguria to Piedmont and…

15 Sep 8:15 PM 0
Luigi Pero Art in the Kitchen

Luigi Pero Art in the Kitchen

The kitchen will evolve as society evolves, without ceasing to be an art. These were the words of the great chef Auguste Escoffier. What extent has evolved what we cal the Italian food? Sometimes I think about the meaning of this word. There is a real Italian cuisine or nominate…

15 Sep 8:00 PM 0
THATconnect MUSIC July by Clinton Bishop

THATconnect MUSIC July by Clinton Bishop

Bring me nothing but good news.
Let’s converse about great things…
Connect Bishop on Facebook.com or Clintonbishop18@gmail.com
Let’s get connect on ThatConnect MUSIC on BYOU- MAG.com
Clinton ThatConnect Bishop
My famous quotes:
– Don’t worry about those evil and wicked one’s that…

20 Aug 8:00 PM 0


Goodby Ciro... by Tiziana Palazzo

Goodby Ciro... by Tiziana Palazzo

This issue is dedicated to Ciro Imparato.
He was Vocal Coach, extraordinary trainer, voice actor with a…


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