SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

04 May, 2015

palena-date2The next Event on MAY 29, 30, 31, which takes place in a Spectacular Location as the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Altar of Palena (CH), it is to me much more than a training course. It’s a real “Call” of the Universe, to which only 20 Lucky persons are attracted and to which I replied, in a personal way, with a lot of positive emotion. The purpose of this Exclusive event is to put at the service of the participants, the most powerful transformational and international techniques, for the Awake, the Reconnection and the Strengthening of the Inner Self and the own Identity. It’s a gym where the theory gives way to practice and where you train to accommodate and manage your own Ego, face your fears and overcome challenges and personal details.

In the Hermitage, you share, both spaces that intent and you let go “the anxiety of daily living”, to fully enjoy your Uniqueness. It is an open Gate: on your own answers, unheard and on your own unexpressed Potentiality, until that life moment. It ‘a holy place in which to meet yourself and beeing in your heart, and to find the key to overcome the Challange. It’s a place, where to learn how to unlish the power within yourself and manifest the Abundance you deserve, in all the areas of life. It’s the positive experience of those which leave the “Sign”. It’s where you finally identify your own Direction, the purpose of the goals, the meaning of your life. So here’s the question: Are you, the Chosen from Universe, along with nineteen other participants? Looking forward to meet you soon.

A bear hug of light to all.

For info SAGEisPOWER ANIMA® clicca qui

Tiziana Palazzo

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