Around the editor

SAGEisPOWER® ANIMA by Tiziana Palazzo

The next Event on MAY 29, 30, 31, which takes place in a Spectacular Location as the Hermitage of Our Lady of the Altar of Palena (CH), it is to me much more than a training course. It’s a real “Call” of the Universe, to which only 20 Lucky…

04 May 9:00 AM 0

Goodby Ciro... by Tiziana Palazzo

This issue is dedicated to Ciro Imparato.
He was Vocal Coach, extraordinary trainer, voice actor with a unique and rare voice, creative and effective manuals writer and creator of the fantastic system Four Voice Colors, the first innovative method that allows you to learn the “grammar of emotions” and consequently…

08 Apr 11:17 PM 0

Around The Editor by Tiziana Palazzo

Peace in the World, in addition to being subject to a “Miss,” and seem “far away” from everyday life, it is also, in my opinion, a topic related to the salvation of humanity in the world.
Away from the usual clichés on the environment, sustainability, make this world better…

20 Jul 2:31 AM 0

Let’s adopt sustainability value by Tiziana Palazzo

Sustainable development, far from being a final state of harmony, but rather a changing process such that the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of the development technological and institutional changes are made consistent with future needs as well as with the current. Gro Harlem Brundtland

10 Jun 10:16 PM 0

Are we social animals? by Tiziana Palazzo

Are we social animals?
Yes we are …
Our animal existence is firmly linked to the ability to understand what others are doing, understanding the intentions and interpreting their feelings. According to a more traditional point of view, when we observe a person to act, our nervous system perceives through sight…

09 May 9:31 PM 0

ARE YOU A SINGLE MOM? How to survive and to bloom into this marvellaus experience by Tiziana Palazzo

According to the Centers for Disease Control. in 2013 , almost 5 out of 10 children in the U.S. are born out of wedding. It is one of the highest figures of all time and is not a cause of teen moms (teenager : motherhood is at its lowest rate in…

01 Apr 9:25 AM 0