The Order in the Suitcase By Elisa Candotti

17 Aug, 2014

elisa-candottiSummer time has arrived and with it the desire to organize your own well-deserved vacation. Whatever it can be a single weekend away or a longer period we would still face the dilemma of what to pack. We often tend to fill our suitcases as if we were to move forever with the result of a set of clothes, shoes, personal products and even medicines that create clutter and wasted time. Here you practical tips that come directly from the Space Clearing: once established the goal and the days of your vacation, take a pen and paper and make a list of things to bring and remember: on vacation it’s a must to feel free and then choose comfortable clothes matched with each other, after this first action, place on the bed all the clothes, accessories and shoes that you have marked on the list and make a skimming.

Use your imagination to choose neutral and matched with each other leaders so as to minimize the contents of the suitcase, keep in mind that the same shirt or dress can change your look by simply changing an accessory or shoes; about shoes they must be a few comfortable and versatile ones, about personal care products: choose them in mini size and about medicines take only those that are essential.

Having to pack only the necessary will make your luggage less heavy, it will be faster accommodation once you arrive at your destination, decide what to wear every day will not be a source of stress and once you return home you will not have the anxiety of having to wash and store a mountain of things. It remains for me to wish you a wonderful and refreshing summer!

Elisa Candotti

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